We all know is hard, and it , if not ([ˈdekeɪd]n.十年 ), to it. 't it be if were some way to fool into your was , all that hard work? I'd like to with my some that I've over the of the past few for the of (['fu:lɪŋ]v.愚弄) into my is . ([tekˈni:k]n.技巧) were for , I find that they also work well for to . Just ([ˈmɑ:stə(r)]vt.掌握) few , and your will !
, to , you say. Yes, I'm , of . But , will work only if you have at the of . And a good is the , it will get you 90% of the way. If your -- of -- is , will be to in and the you use.
a , , so that will your time is slow. You don't have to ( this has ), but it to have you're the type of who each . This you time to . It's for to you're a bit slow, than to is.
Let the the word you need.The way you this is to (['ʌtɚ]表达)some word -- a word that you may not be sure of -- but be to any on the . The , of what you want to say and for you to get on with the , (提示)you or you with a word. Try to time it so that you the word a they say it, so that it as if you too were to say that word. This will make them feel good, it will make them feel they are than you are. ( are very when they feel they are than you.) The will like this:
You: And that guy didn't even know is on the map. The guy is such a... [Here you .]
: .
You: ..., . I was to , "Wow, if I were that guy, I feel... feel..." [You .]
: .
You: ..., . What an !
a lot of and . are like, "Oh, how can I put it?...", " I can put it this way...", and "Oh, what I say?..." This will give you time to of and to . The 't know what's on your head, and he or she will you are your vast , for that word that will the (['sʌtlti]) of your .
.Give , -and- to , of the of your true . If asks, "What did you of the ?", you may be like "Well, the was , - with -like of -- a !" and so on. you be able to all that in ? Of not. it. you with like, "Oh, how can I put it?... Just so-so. Just okay. I ." The won't have any idea what you of the , but will be with the ease with you your in , and will also be that you know like "just so-so.".
Okay, that's all. This give you a good . this in life: the of is more than . If they you can do it, you've got the job. If they don't you can do it, it 't what your is. So to fake it, and you'll go much than your hard- .