New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程

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New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程

New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程


It’s well known that birds evolved from dinosaurs - gradually growing feathers and taking to the air. But their tiny delicate skulls have been difficult to study as they’re rarely preserved as fossils.


Now researchers have combined extraordinary new fossil discoveries with the latest CT scanning techniques to make the most advanced 3D model of the skull of a primitive bird. They say creatures existed for much of the age of the dinosaurs that looked half-bird, half-dinosaur.


Ichthyornis, which was the size of a seagull, had a beak and a brain much like modern birds but the sharp teeth and powerful jaws of dinosaurs like Velociraptor. Its bones were first found in the 1870s drawing the attention of Charles Darwin. Modern-day scientists say this amazing bird, which gives a picture of what the first beaks were like, has been under their noses the whole time.

鱼鸟的体型如海鸥,它的喙和脑部构造与现代鸟类非常相近,但它却拥有伶盗龙一般尖利的牙齿和强健的下颚。这类动物的骨头于 1870 年代首次被人发现,当时引起了查尔斯·达尔文的关注。当代科学家们说,这种使我们了解到鸟喙最初外观的神奇鸟儿,原来一直都近在眼前。

1. 词汇表 evolved 进化

delicate 纤细而脆弱的

preserved 被保存

fossils 化石

primitive 原始的,远古的

under their noses 在眼皮底下,近在眼前

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 1. Why have bird skulls been difficult to study as fossils?

2. What have researchers made using new fossil discoveries and the latest CT scanning techniques?

3. What kind of creature was Ichthyornis?

4. When were the bones of Ichthyornis first found?

3. 答案 1. Why have bird skulls been difficult to study as fossils?

Bird skulls are tiny and delicate and are rarely preserved as fossils.

2. What have researchers made using new fossil discoveries and the latest CT scanning techniques?

Researchers have made the most advanced 3D model of the skull of a primitive bird.

3. What kind of creature was Ichthyornis?

It was the size of a seagull and had a beak and brain like modern birds, but the sharp teeth and powerful jaws of a Velociraptor.

4. When were the bones of Ichthyornis first found?

Its bones were first found in the 1870s.

New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程


It’s well known that birds evolved from dinosaurs - gradually growing feathers and taking to the air. But their tiny delicate skulls have been difficult to study as they’re rarely preserved as fossils.


Now researchers have combined extraordinary new fossil discoveries with the latest CT scanning techniques to make the most advanced 3D model of the skull of a primitive bird. They say creatures existed for much of the age of the dinosaurs that looked half-bird, half-dinosaur.


Ichthyornis, which was the size of a seagull, had a beak and a brain much like modern birds but the sharp teeth and powerful jaws of dinosaurs like Velociraptor. Its bones were first found in the 1870s drawing the attention of Charles Darwin. Modern-day scientists say this amazing bird, which gives a picture of what the first beaks were like, has been under their noses the whole time.

鱼鸟的体型如海鸥,它的喙和脑部构造与现代鸟类非常相近,但它却拥有伶盗龙一般尖利的牙齿和强健的下颚。这类动物的骨头于 1870 年代首次被人发现,当时引起了查尔斯·达尔文的关注。当代科学家们说,这种使我们了解到鸟喙最初外观的神奇鸟儿,原来一直都近在眼前。

1. 词汇表 evolved 进化

delicate 纤细而脆弱的

preserved 被保存

fossils 化石

primitive 原始的,远古的

under their noses 在眼皮底下,近在眼前

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 1. Why have bird skulls been difficult to study as fossils?

2. What have researchers made using new fossil discoveries and the latest CT scanning techniques?

3. What kind of creature was Ichthyornis?

4. When were the bones of Ichthyornis first found?

3. 答案 1. Why have bird skulls been difficult to study as fossils?

Bird skulls are tiny and delicate and are rarely preserved as fossils.

2. What have researchers made using new fossil discoveries and the latest CT scanning techniques?

Researchers have made the most advanced 3D model of the skull of a primitive bird.

3. What kind of creature was Ichthyornis?

It was the size of a seagull and had a beak and brain like modern birds, but the sharp teeth and powerful jaws of a Velociraptor.

4. When were the bones of Ichthyornis first found?

Its bones were first found in the 1870s.

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