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CBS' The Big Bang Theory is bringing in a new love interest for Kunal Nayyar's hapless Raj.

哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)出品的《生活大爆炸》要为不幸的拉杰(Raj)(昆瑙·内亚(Kunal Nayyar)饰演)带来新的爱恋对象了。

2 Broke Girls alum Beth Behrs and Justified grad Walton Goggins are heading to the Chuck Lorre/Steve Molaro comedy for guest roles. Both will appear in the Jan. 18 episode.

《破产姐妹》的老朋友贝丝·比厄(Beth Behrs)和刚拍完《火线探警》的沃尔顿·戈金斯(Walton Goggins)将作为客串角色出现在由查克·洛尔(Chuck Lorre)和斯蒂芬·莫劳瑞(Steve Molaro)制作的《生活大爆炸》中,预计会在1月18日播出。

Behrs, who returns to the CBS and Warner Bros. Television fold, will play Nell, a recently separated school teacher who becomes involved with Raj. Goggins will portray Nell's intense husband, Oliver, who tracks Raj down and confronts him.


Big Bang Theory's current 11th season has found Raj as the odd-man out as all of his friends are married or engaged. New showrunner Steve Holland told THR at the start of this season that Raj's decision last season to give up his family's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence. "The reason to do a journey like that is to have it affect and change the character a bit, and that change is going to affect his dating life as well," he said.


Goggins is currently up for a Critics Choice Award for HBO's Vice Principals. He's next onscreen in Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners' 2 Broke Girls.

戈金斯目前正以美国纽约有线电视网络媒体公司(HBO)的《副校长》(Vice Principals)争夺广播影评人协会奖(Critics Choice Award)。接下来他的作品《古墓丽影》(Tomb Raider)将会上映,比厄则参演了六季哥伦比亚公司和华纳兄弟的《破产姐妹》。

CBS' The Big Bang Theory is bringing in a new love interest for Kunal Nayyar's hapless Raj.

哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)出品的《生活大爆炸》要为不幸的拉杰(Raj)(昆瑙·内亚(Kunal Nayyar)饰演)带来新的爱恋对象了。

2 Broke Girls alum Beth Behrs and Justified grad Walton Goggins are heading to the Chuck Lorre/Steve Molaro comedy for guest roles. Both will appear in the Jan. 18 episode.

《破产姐妹》的老朋友贝丝·比厄(Beth Behrs)和刚拍完《火线探警》的沃尔顿·戈金斯(Walton Goggins)将作为客串角色出现在由查克·洛尔(Chuck Lorre)和斯蒂芬·莫劳瑞(Steve Molaro)制作的《生活大爆炸》中,预计会在1月18日播出。

Behrs, who returns to the CBS and Warner Bros. Television fold, will play Nell, a recently separated school teacher who becomes involved with Raj. Goggins will portray Nell's intense husband, Oliver, who tracks Raj down and confronts him.


Big Bang Theory's current 11th season has found Raj as the odd-man out as all of his friends are married or engaged. New showrunner Steve Holland told THR at the start of this season that Raj's decision last season to give up his family's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence. "The reason to do a journey like that is to have it affect and change the character a bit, and that change is going to affect his dating life as well," he said.


Goggins is currently up for a Critics Choice Award for HBO's Vice Principals. He's next onscreen in Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners' 2 Broke Girls.

戈金斯目前正以美国纽约有线电视网络媒体公司(HBO)的《副校长》(Vice Principals)争夺广播影评人协会奖(Critics Choice Award)。接下来他的作品《古墓丽影》(Tomb Raider)将会上映,比厄则参演了六季哥伦比亚公司和华纳兄弟的《破产姐妹》。

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