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Most busy families with a six-year-old running around wouldn't dream of opting for pristine cream couches and a sleek monochromatic colour scheme, but when you're Victoria Becham, naturally only the chicest decor will do.


The mother-of-four, 43, regularly uses Instagram to share glimpses into the £31.5million family home in West London she shares with David, 42, Harper, six, Romeo, 12, Cruz, 15, and Brooklyn, 18, when he's home from New York.


Her latest was a video of 12-year-old Cruz whipping up pancakes in the kitchen, which showed that - in keeping with her fashionista's love of black - Victoria chose dark gloss units for the room, which is littered with on-trend accessories.


Copper accents include a set of pans, the knife block and Dualit toaster, while a £2,700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks.

厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

A wall-mounted television means her family of keen cooks, including David, can stay entertained while they whip up culinary creations.


These are often served at the banquet-style wooden dining table with a row of glass pendant lights hanging overhead and a padded bench running alongside it on which Harper sometimes perches for a nap.


Even the kitchen table features a black and white checked print, in keeping with the monochromatic colour scheme.


The modern entrance hall features black and white tiles and a marble staircase, in keeping with the monochrome theme running through the rest of the house.


Living areas are kept simple with white couches and minimalist decor, although a Tracey Emin neon artwork provides a striking focal point.

居住区域非常简单,白色长沙发,装修精简,只有Tracey Emin的霓虹灯作品非常夺目。

Other standout features include opulent chandeliers, antique mirrors and elaborate period fireplaces.


Outdoors, the Beckham children like to erect a teepee in the garden, decorated with fairy lights, where aspiring-singer Cruz can grab some quiet time for his guitar practice.


The Beckhams splashed out £8million on renovating their luxurious townhouse, which they bought in September 2024, creating a host of home improvements including six bedrooms, a gym, wine cellar and powder room.


They employed celebrity designer Rose Uniacke to oversee the whole project, which also includes a home cinema, indoor pool and even an air-conditioned garden before making the move in August 2024.

2024年8月,贝嫂一家搬入新家,此前他们特地邀请知名设计师 Rose Uniacke担任总监,设计了家庭影院、室内泳池和带有空调系统的花园。

Most busy families with a six-year-old running around wouldn't dream of opting for pristine cream couches and a sleek monochromatic colour scheme, but when you're Victoria Becham, naturally only the chicest decor will do.


The mother-of-four, 43, regularly uses Instagram to share glimpses into the £31.5million family home in West London she shares with David, 42, Harper, six, Romeo, 12, Cruz, 15, and Brooklyn, 18, when he's home from New York.


Her latest was a video of 12-year-old Cruz whipping up pancakes in the kitchen, which showed that - in keeping with her fashionista's love of black - Victoria chose dark gloss units for the room, which is littered with on-trend accessories.


Copper accents include a set of pans, the knife block and Dualit toaster, while a £2,700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks.

厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

A wall-mounted television means her family of keen cooks, including David, can stay entertained while they whip up culinary creations.


These are often served at the banquet-style wooden dining table with a row of glass pendant lights hanging overhead and a padded bench running alongside it on which Harper sometimes perches for a nap.


Even the kitchen table features a black and white checked print, in keeping with the monochromatic colour scheme.


The modern entrance hall features black and white tiles and a marble staircase, in keeping with the monochrome theme running through the rest of the house.


Living areas are kept simple with white couches and minimalist decor, although a Tracey Emin neon artwork provides a striking focal point.

居住区域非常简单,白色长沙发,装修精简,只有Tracey Emin的霓虹灯作品非常夺目。

Other standout features include opulent chandeliers, antique mirrors and elaborate period fireplaces.


Outdoors, the Beckham children like to erect a teepee in the garden, decorated with fairy lights, where aspiring-singer Cruz can grab some quiet time for his guitar practice.


The Beckhams splashed out £8million on renovating their luxurious townhouse, which they bought in September 2024, creating a host of home improvements including six bedrooms, a gym, wine cellar and powder room.


They employed celebrity designer Rose Uniacke to oversee the whole project, which also includes a home cinema, indoor pool and even an air-conditioned garden before making the move in August 2024.

2024年8月,贝嫂一家搬入新家,此前他们特地邀请知名设计师 Rose Uniacke担任总监,设计了家庭影院、室内泳池和带有空调系统的花园。

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