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U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were among those who gathered to greet three Americans freed from detention in North Korea as they arrived early Thursday at Joint Base Andrews just outside of Washington.

The president had predicted "quite a scene," saying their return is "very exciting" because "it represents something very important to this country, people never thought a thing like this could happen."

The plane carrying Tony Kim, Kim Hak Song and Kim Dong Chul arrived just before 3 a.m. local time and parked in front of a giant American flag suspended in the air on the ladders of two firetrucks. Trump and his wife Melania then boarded the plane to speak to the group.

The Korean-Americans had left North Korea on a plane with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo before later transferring to a different plane during a stop in Japan.

In a joint statement released by the State Department late Wednesday, the three men expressed "deep appreciation to the United States government, President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and the people of the United States" for their return.

While in North Korea, Pompeo met with leader Kim Jong Un for 90 minutes – their second such meeting in little more than a month as Trump and Un prepare to hold a summit.

Trump told reporters at the White House Wednesday the date and location of the summit would be announced within three days, but that it will not occur at the Korean Demilitarized Zone as he had previously suggested as a possible venue.

The Wall Street Journal reported later Wednesday that it appeared Singapore would be the likely summit site.



载着金相德(Tony Kim)、金学成(Kim Hak-song)和金东哲(Kim Dong Chul)的飞机在华盛顿时间凌晨3点之前降落,滑行到两辆救火车云梯悬挂的巨大美国国旗之前。川普总统和夫人梅拉尼亚登上飞机,与三人交谈。





U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were among those who gathered to greet three Americans freed from detention in North Korea as they arrived early Thursday at Joint Base Andrews just outside of Washington.

The president had predicted "quite a scene," saying their return is "very exciting" because "it represents something very important to this country, people never thought a thing like this could happen."

The plane carrying Tony Kim, Kim Hak Song and Kim Dong Chul arrived just before 3 a.m. local time and parked in front of a giant American flag suspended in the air on the ladders of two firetrucks. Trump and his wife Melania then boarded the plane to speak to the group.

The Korean-Americans had left North Korea on a plane with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo before later transferring to a different plane during a stop in Japan.

In a joint statement released by the State Department late Wednesday, the three men expressed "deep appreciation to the United States government, President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and the people of the United States" for their return.

While in North Korea, Pompeo met with leader Kim Jong Un for 90 minutes – their second such meeting in little more than a month as Trump and Un prepare to hold a summit.

Trump told reporters at the White House Wednesday the date and location of the summit would be announced within three days, but that it will not occur at the Korean Demilitarized Zone as he had previously suggested as a possible venue.

The Wall Street Journal reported later Wednesday that it appeared Singapore would be the likely summit site.



载着金相德(Tony Kim)、金学成(Kim Hak-song)和金东哲(Kim Dong Chul)的飞机在华盛顿时间凌晨3点之前降落,滑行到两辆救火车云梯悬挂的巨大美国国旗之前。川普总统和夫人梅拉尼亚登上飞机,与三人交谈。





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