煎饼馃子有了技术规范 薄饼直径不小于38cm

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煎饼馃子有了技术规范 薄饼直径不小于38cm

近日,天津市餐饮行业协会批准了《天津市地方传统名吃 制作加工技术规范 天津煎饼馃子》。这一规范从5月26日起实施。



❶ 天津煎饼馃子的原料(ingredients)是绿豆面(green bean flour)、小米面(millet flour)、鸡蛋、面粉等;

❷ 辅料(dressings)包括面酱、葱末(chopped scallions)、辣酱(chili sauce)、腐乳(酱豆腐)、芝麻;

❸ 馃子又称油条(deep-fried dough sticks);馃箅(bì)儿是油炸面制食品,薄、脆,形状方形;

❹ 刷子摊成的薄饼直径应在38~45cm;

❺ 成品建议两小时内食用(to be consumed within 2 hours)。



"Our move has triggered debates over whether it is meaningful to unify the cooking standards of the food," Song said.


The renowned Chinese snack jianbing guozi, deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake(also known as Chinese savoury crepe), has a history of 600 years in Tianjin and has become a favorite gourmet flavor worldwide, Song said.


"However, it's not our aim to make it standard like KFC fast food. We just aim to better regulate the cooking process, techniques and health safety for the time-honored Tianjin style in its hometown."



The association indicated that it doesn't mean to regulate the proportions of the ingredients, the taste of the sauce or make every stand selling it provide the same flavor.


However, it is dedicated to protecting the techniques of the most traditional jianbing guozi.



咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

馒头 steamed buns

豆浆 soybean milk

卤肉饭 braised pork rice

阳春面 plain noodles

馄饨面 wonton and noodles

烧仙草 grass jelly

重庆小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

牛肉拉面 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

刀削面 sliced noodles

凉面 cold noodles

凉皮 cold rice noodles

凉糕 cold rice cake

花枝羹 squid thick soup

蛤蜊汤 clam chowder

爱玉 vegetarian gelatin

双皮奶 milk custard

牡蛎煎 oyster omelet

椰子冻 coconut jelly

臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

卤煮 stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

锅巴 crispy rice

烤串 kebab

蛋卷 egg rolls

春卷 spring rolls

肉夹馍 meat burger

近日,天津市餐饮行业协会批准了《天津市地方传统名吃 制作加工技术规范 天津煎饼馃子》。这一规范从5月26日起实施。



❶ 天津煎饼馃子的原料(ingredients)是绿豆面(green bean flour)、小米面(millet flour)、鸡蛋、面粉等;

❷ 辅料(dressings)包括面酱、葱末(chopped scallions)、辣酱(chili sauce)、腐乳(酱豆腐)、芝麻;

❸ 馃子又称油条(deep-fried dough sticks);馃箅(bì)儿是油炸面制食品,薄、脆,形状方形;

❹ 刷子摊成的薄饼直径应在38~45cm;

❺ 成品建议两小时内食用(to be consumed within 2 hours)。



"Our move has triggered debates over whether it is meaningful to unify the cooking standards of the food," Song said.


The renowned Chinese snack jianbing guozi, deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake(also known as Chinese savoury crepe), has a history of 600 years in Tianjin and has become a favorite gourmet flavor worldwide, Song said.


"However, it's not our aim to make it standard like KFC fast food. We just aim to better regulate the cooking process, techniques and health safety for the time-honored Tianjin style in its hometown."



The association indicated that it doesn't mean to regulate the proportions of the ingredients, the taste of the sauce or make every stand selling it provide the same flavor.


However, it is dedicated to protecting the techniques of the most traditional jianbing guozi.



咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

馒头 steamed buns

豆浆 soybean milk

卤肉饭 braised pork rice

阳春面 plain noodles

馄饨面 wonton and noodles

烧仙草 grass jelly

重庆小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

牛肉拉面 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

刀削面 sliced noodles

凉面 cold noodles

凉皮 cold rice noodles

凉糕 cold rice cake

花枝羹 squid thick soup

蛤蜊汤 clam chowder

爱玉 vegetarian gelatin

双皮奶 milk custard

牡蛎煎 oyster omelet

椰子冻 coconut jelly

臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

卤煮 stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

锅巴 crispy rice

烤串 kebab

蛋卷 egg rolls

春卷 spring rolls

肉夹馍 meat burger

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