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英语逻辑写作之花绽放于学生心中。在深思中感悟 在感悟中进步,学生写出优秀英语作文得高分,岂能“不知情”英语逻辑思维精彩纷呈,请看如下英语作文,其题目是: in ’s life as seen from OWG(从冬奥会看中国人生活方式的变化)

2022’ (OWG)is near. the joy at to open its in the Gym “bird’s net”, the -wide , with the OWG- - , seem to be with the up-to-date and made to them who have a life in the safe, life- in . with OWG, they are to give an of the - of , . They are some / not only with , but also and ice-, or , and them to a or to a room at ’ .

In “- ” - are easy to to food from - on the roof of the hall.

You find it more to them to menu, App, by of a than of a . are to cook by a so much in 90- time, for , that them to wait.

In use of high- are . They and to not only but RMB into by an app to get a - card or - into one in of RMB, when to live in OWG .

from or here and , .


从冬奥会看中国人生活方式的变化( in ’s life as seen from OWG)”为题,描述生活方式的变化,为此提示:1.做饭;2.点菜单方式的改变;3.人们的数字货币消费方式及购物环境的改变等。


